Healing Stories – What people Experience
“Bring about the lasting change I was seeking”
The healing process that Suu facilitates is life-changing and transformative. I really wasn’t certain what to expect, but by learning what my goals and objectives were, as well as what I saw as my major challenges, Suu was able to work with me and our spirit helpers, to bring about the lasting change that I was seeking. It was gentle, but profound. I had never experienced shamanic journeying before, but apparently, it is a very effective healing modality for me, so I am thrilled I have found it.
“given me concrete tools that I can use to help me past the blocks and begin to write again”
I recently asked for assistance in removing a very stubborn case of writer’s block. I can happily report that the information I learned about myself through journeying has given me concrete tools that I can use to help me past the blocks and begin to write again. By taking the judgment out of the process, Suu creates a sacred healing space where miracles and transformations can take place. She is truly a partner in healing with her clients.
J. B. – Lynn, MA
“Catalyzed a shift in my professional career…”
A relative of mine who worked with Suu for some time sent me her contact information, which I held onto for over a year without really thinking about it. Out of nowhere, a year later I remembered I had her information and got a clear message to contact her. I am so immensely grateful I did! Suu catalyzed not only a level of personal healing I’d never before experienced, but also a shift in my professional career, from a somewhat traditional approach to Marriage and Family Therapy to this more profound, all-encompassing energetic approach to healing. As a fan of therapy (giving and receiving), I was drawn to guided imagery as a way to tap into the powerful space where the subconscious and conscious minds meet; the healing work Suu has guided me on took this interest in guided imagery and raised it exponentially, and has allowed me to
“access healing energies within me and within this world that I did not know existed.”
J.H., Marriage and Family Therapist – Berkeley, CA.
“I have been able to immediately heal physical ailments in my body.”
I have been introduced to the practice of journeying and meeting my animal spirit guides by Suu. Although I have worked with several spiritual coaches over the past few years, I have never experienced such an immediate and profound effect as I did with the journeys guided by Suu. The ability to communicate and deeply trust my guiding spirits that Suu is teaching me is profoundly changing my approach to everyday life, and my determination and trust in the goals I want to achieve. I look forward to continuing this journey for a long time especially with such a compassionate, intelligent, intuitive, knowledgeable and fun person as Suu.
N.L., SR Director, Brazil Transformation – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“My life is so much richer and expansive…”
Shamanic journeys with Suu Feathers carry me to new dimensions of my psyche where rich treasures are uncovered from the past, present, and future and a deeper reality is uncovered and explored. Suu envelops each session with her innate gifts of female wisdom and heartfelt love in conjunction with years of childhood journeys and academic training. This results in the ability to empower clients to do solo journeys if they wish. My life is so much richer and expansive from our journeys together.
S. Sawyer, Private Caregiver/Companion – Crestone, CO
“Gave me confidence and direction.”
Working with Susan has been profound and compelling. She helped me meet my spirit guides who provided very specific guidance about an upcoming trip and what to look for – this gave me confidence and direction. Susan has a deeply caring touch and strong presence which help me release and heal from significant body trauma and the associated fear.
“… helped me be more effective in my job”
Suu is very intuitive, spirit-guided, and easily travels across space-time dimensions – helping release trauma and beliefs from past lives, bringing back significant soul pieces, and clearing interfering chords and hooks.
Anca van Assendelft, Strategy Consultant – Marblehead, MA
“Changed my life forever!”
I am completely blown away by the unexpected results! Susan removed the negative programming that I had around creativity & art, as well as other energies that were not serving me. Little did I know that it had changed my life forever ! The next morning, I jumped out of bed, completely excited about painting. I rushed to the art store, brought back pastels and watercolors, and created 3 pieces of art in one day.”
Amy Priest, Transformative Healer – www.amypriest.com