What if everything around you is conspiring to support you in the deep desire that lives in your heart? What if your heart is transpiring to remind you of your…
What if everything around you is conspiring to support you in the deep desire that lives in your heart? What if your heart is transpiring to remind you of your…
Today i offer gratitude for one thing that i have never offered thanks for before. Today i offer gratitude to Betrayal. I know you well Betrayal. I have given…
Today, a Coyote, directly across my path in the middle of the day. I stop the car. Watch. This makes two coyotes in two days. Midday each one crosses my…
This day, Deer is standing in the road. Not unusual. Generally expected when driving around in this western mountain town. But this time she is so intent on watching something…
Mostly Wordless Day… Motherblood in the Sky I never cease to be amazed! Each morning the embers of the previous day begin to gently glow as Sun rises. By the…
What is going to be is what is, that is love…. There is a beautiful snow peaked mountain With peaceful clouds wrapped round her shoulders. The surrounding air is filled…