Professional training is for learning, practicing, and building proficiency in the skills needed to offer shamanic healing to others.
Professional Training for Shamanic Healing Practitioners 2021-2024
2021 – 2024
Location: Online & Boulder, CO
This is a 3-year training program for those who are called to offer shamanic healing to clients as a professional practitioner or to meld shamanic healing with a healing modality that you are already practicing.
Over the course of three years you will learn about spiritual illness, its causes, manifestations, and the shamanic remedies for addressing spiritual illness. You will explore the traditional remedies of Core Shamanism, as well as healing approaches that teachers I have studied with and the helping spirits have taught me. This is a skills based program in which shamanic healing skills are taught alongside practitioner ethics. We work together at in-person and online intensives to learn the types of spiritual illness and their remedies. You take this learning into weekly and monthly practice in smaller groups (pods) to hone your skills, learn what it is like to be a client, and grow in your gifts as a healing practitioner in a safe, supported, and confidential environment.
It is my heartfelt belief that practicing shamanic healing in an ethical, humble, and powerful way requires more that a quick weekend style delve into basic skills. It requires extended professional training that initiates us in learning the subtleties of the skills, the gifts we each bring to healing, ethical client-practitioner relationships, clear self and client tracking, and a lot of good practice to grow in confidence before working with clients.
Throughout our 3 years together you will deepen your relationship with the Helping & Healing Spirits in order to partner with them to facilitate healing. In community together, we explore the gifts that you carry for this world and how to skillfully blossom into and offer your gifts.
At the end of the 3 yr training you are prepared to work with clients offering shamanic healing to address spiritual illness or to add what you have learned to a healing modality that you already practice.
You will learn over the course of our time together:
Divination & Diagnostics
Divination is an ancient art form practiced by oracles and seers throughout human time and culture. You will learn to consult divine source and spirit guides to receive reliable, trustworthy, and timely guidance that can be considered for making informed choices in life.
Tending to spiritual illness and wellness is the fundamental practice of a shamanic healing practitioner. Illness of the spirit can manifest physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Divination forms the foundation for clearly diagnosing the wellness and illness of the spirit.
Ritual, Ceremony & Partnering with the Natural World
The Natural World is medicine for humans and we are meant to be medicine for the Natural World. Our focus is on forming and tending relationships of reciprocity with the Natural World, the elementals, plant devas, animals and the cycles of nature.
From these reciprocal & tended relationships you’ll learn to step into the sacred act of creating rituals for healing that you can offer to clients.
Restoring Lost Power: Power Retrieval & Soul Retrieval
Power, from a shamanic perspective, is the culmination of all of the unique aspects, gifts, and attributes of an individual or of a spirit guide. It is the concentrated and available potency of these attributes that serve as medicine for ourselves, others and the greater world. In the circumstances of living we often loose access to some of these unique individual qualities (resulting in soul loss.) Our lost connection with spirit guides and the support they bring to our lives results in power loss.
You will learn to partner with the Helping Spirits to retrieve and restore spiritual power and to offer clients ways to nourish and grow into their restored power. Thus living into the unlived unique qualities of themselves and life.
Resolving Energetic Entanglements: Cord Releasing, Extraction, & Curse Unraveling
Humans are energetic beings who live in an energetic (as well as a physical) environment and have energetic impact on one another. You will learn how to reestablish Sovereignty for clients via cord releasing, extraction of misplaced energies, and unraveling curses.
Cord releasing addresses the compromising effect of energetic and emotional entanglements and supports clients in learning how to tend to themselves, energetically, in all types of relationships.
Intrusions are energy that does not originate with a client and has impact on their body and in their lives, much like an energetic splinter. Extraction is the process of removing energetic intrusions from the body, thus establishing new levels of energetic and physical wellbeing.
Curses are concentrations of energy intertwined with intent for the purpose of influencing a specific (sometimes harmful) outcome. Curse unraveling releases clients from the influences of both intentional and unintentional enchantments.
Healing Wounds from Other Lifetimes
Patterns, beliefs, and expectations are carried from lifetime to lifetime. Healing wounds and outdated beliefs for other lifetimes equips clients to respond to the present context of life with renewed life force, clarity, purpose, and meaning.
Resolving Wounds in Ancestral Lineages
Our ancestors and decedents are always present. We are the link between the two. Ancestral healing shifts unresolved patterns, broken relationships, and wounds in our lineages that are impacting our lives and that could be passed on to the next generations. The intention is to open up a healthy channel in the lineage for ancestral wisdom to flow into our lives.
Psychopomp & Compassionate Depossession: Healing for the Dying & the Dead
In partnership with the Helping Spirits, shamanic practitioners are in a position to bring healing to the living, the dying, and the dead. You will learn to tend those who are in the dying process as well as guide lost or earth-bound souls on the completion of their journey into the spirit realm.
Care & Ethics in Shamanic Healing: Healthy & Transformative Practitioner-Client Relationships
Clear communication and mutual agreements support the safety and wellbeing of both client and practitioner. With the support of well defined ethical boundaries, you will learn to create and hold a container for client-practitioner relationships that foster safety, inquiry, exploration, and healing.
Creating the Container of Your Shamanic Healing Practice
A shamanic healing practice is built upon the foundation of all that you have learned, your gifts, skills, code of ethics, relationship with the spirit world, and hours of practice and honing. To this foundation we add the detailed steps of how to structure and launch your shamanic healing practice into the world.
Class Format:
Our class format for learning will be a hybrid of in-person and online gatherings that combine teaching, practice, ritual, Q&A, and demonstrations for well rounded learning. In-between gatherings students will be connected in small groups (fondly known as pods). You will receive weekly fieldwork (journeys and practices) to engage in on your own and sometimes in your small group. You will also receive monthly fieldwork that you engage in together in your pods. The small learning groups can meet in-person or via an online platform (such as Zoom.) The personal journeys & healing rituals as well as the small group learning and practice provide the opportunity to come to a stable relationship with the healing skills you are learning. This ongoing practice is essential. It is how you learn and grow and shine as a practitioner of shamanic healing.
We will meet in-person four times over the course of the three years. Each October in 2021*, 2022, 2023, we will meet for a 6-day in-person non-residential intensive. In May of 2024 we will meet in-person for our final gathering together and to celebrate your graduation!
Dates for the in-person intensives:
* In 2021: October 12-17 (6 days) * We will be gathering online (instead of in-person) for the October 2021 gathering.
* In 2022: October 4-9 (6 days)
* In 2023: October 3-8 (6 days)
* In 2024: May 9-12 (4 days) Final Gathering & Graduation
We will meet online six times over the course of the three years. Each online gathering is a 5-day intensive. (We will meet for about 3 hours in the morning, take a 2 hour break, then meet for 3-3 1/2 hours in the afternoon each day.)
Dates for the online intensives:
* In 2022: February 2-6, May 11-15
* In 2023: February 1-5, May 10-14
* In 2024: January 31 – February 4
In between the in-person & online intensives:
* You will have weekly journey and practice assignments
* You will have a small group that you meet with once a month for practice together
* There may be online gatherings or Q&A sessions. (These short online meetings are optional to attend.)
The health and safety of participants in the training is paramount in my mind. We will work together to create an alternative class format that adapts to changing CDC recommendations if needed.
Joining the Shamanic Practitioner Training: Prerequisites, Application, and Interview.
Prerequisite: Introductory shamanic journey workshop of at least two full days in length. I’d like each student to have a good foundation in shamanic journey skills as well as a basic foundation in understanding the Upper, Lower and Middle World. If you are not sure if you meet the prerequisite for the program please reach out to me and have a conversation.
Application: You can access the application at the link below. It consists of basic information about your call to this training as well as a series of questions for you to inquire into via shamanic journeying. To complete the application process, you will need to submit your application along with a $300 deposit for the training.
Personal Interview: Once I have received and reviewed the discoveries you made on your application journeys, I’ll reach out to you and set up time for a conversation together.
The class is limited 21 students to provide an intimate learning and growing experience together.
This training has begun and is no longer open for applications.
Cost for the Training;
The annual fee for the Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training is $3000. You can pay in full annually (2021, 2022, 2023) or enroll in the monthly payment plan.
I am excited to begin a new teaching circle with those who are called to learn and practice shamanic healing in this beautiful and transformative circle!
Please reach out to me via phone or email if you have questions about the training.
Application Process
Please complete the online
Application – Shamanic Practitioner Training
Make your $300 deposit
The early-bird deadline for applications is Tuesday August 10th (at midnight). The second deadline is Monday August 23rd.
Your application will be complete when I’ve have received both the application and the deposit. I will reach out to schedule a conversation together about the training, your inspiration and you potential place in the training once your application is processed.
Your deposit is fully refundable if you are not accepted into the Training.
Graduates of the Shamanic Practitioner Training have this to say about their experience in the program:
This training is rich with substance and deeply nourishing! The education I received in the 3 year SPT will inform all of my personal and professional endeavors for years to come. The 3 year SPT program is ripe with continuity and advanced material while being offered by a teacher with the ethical framework and experience to implement it well!
~Catheryn Shoenfarber, Salem MA
There is nothing more important or interesting that you will do with your life in this ‘go round’. It will take more commitment of time and energy than people of this day and age are used to, but it is necessary to do all the work and worth the time spent. In fact, you will want to do it over when you’re done!! I wish I were you 🙂
~Michelle DuPont, Salem, MA
The 3 year training was exceptional, the structured framework was extremely helpful for me to take my understanding of shamanic healing to the next level. I have a level of stability and grounded presence in my body that I did not have access to before and it has made a huge impact on the way that I teach yoga and practice as a nurse. I’m excited that I feel ready to start my shamanic healing practice.
~S.C, RN, BSN, RYT, Boston, MA
This program and training has been a subtle, but quite mind-blowing experience that would not have felt whole or complete as a training had I not dedicated my whole self to the process. The training has opened my eyes to all the ways in which we are or can be wounded, how that shapes us, and how beautiful healing can be when we get to it in our own time. I have loved and despised this training all at once because it has pushed me to my limits time and time again. I have learned so much. I am able to show up for my clients, my son, my husband, my friends, my family, and most importantly myself in such a robust way that I would encourage anyone and everyone who can and will dedicate themselves to the training and the process to do it.
~AH, Illinois
Deeply engaging, full of wisdom, fun, challenging in a good supported way.
The personal and professional growth (as a therapist) I experienced are worth the time and money and effort, even if I never intended to use the skills for shamanic healing practice. This is a beautiful respectful training, and I am so glad I did it.
~ JW, New Hampshire
Suu guided us through the process of learning and growing to embody the life of a Shamanic Practitioner with dedication, deep listening, presence, nonjudgment, consistency and love. When I signed up for this course I knew it was the next step on my Spiritual Journey and I hoped it would be deeply meaningful. This course exceeded my hopes in every way. Suu was with us every week guiding, teaching and encouraging us. Her teaching was thorough, extremely capable and heart-felt. This course is life-changing and life-healing.
~Andrea Coates Vinson, Massachusetts
How the training came into being:
This program is founded on the original structure and content from “The Art & Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three Year Professional Training and Initiation”, a program created by my deeply respected and loved colleague in shamanic arts, Julie M. Kramer. After completing her 3 year program in 2015, Julie gave me her blessings to carry these teachings forward through my unique practice and voice.